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2 min read Last updated September 7, 2023

From our founders: Why we’re voting “Yes” on the Voice

Why we're voting yes on the voice

At Culture Amp, we ground the work that we do and the actions we take in our mission: to create a better world of work. A core part of how we define “better” is a world that is more equitable, accessible, anti-racist, and reinforces the dignity and self-determination of all people. We also recognize that because work is a part of the broader world, there are times we can engage to change the world in order to change the world of work for the better.

Our business has long realized that one of the most foundational ways to improve the world is to listen to people about their experiences and the issues that impact them. Next month, Australia will have the opportunity to put this into practice by voting on a referendum to enshrine a permanent Voice to Parliament for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our Constitution.

All that said, we will each be voting “Yes” in the upcoming referendum. After all, if we were to say “No” to this step, how will we hold ourselves accountable to helping change the world, and in time, create a better world of work?

While this will be our vote, we also want to be a part of the broader conversation. In the coming weeks, we’ll be encouraging our Australian Campers, customers, and community to ask thoughtful questions to deeply understand these issues, consider their values, and cast their votes accordingly.

Didier Elzinga, Co-Founder and CEO

Doug English, Co-Founder and CTO

Rod Hamilton, Co-Founder

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