Written by
Writer, Culture Amp
On June 12 and 13,2018 nearly 1,000 People Geeks attended the Culture First conference at Pier 27 in San Francisco. From Patty McCord's opening keynote to a packed panel on the business outcome of putting culture first, attendees were sure to take away something from each session.
If you couldn't make it or simply want to relive the highlights, enjoy this recap of the inaugural Culture First conference through the eyes of our attendees.
On day one the doors to Pier 27 opened at 8:00 am and attendees made their way to the second floor to grab a bite before being welcomed to the event. The emcees of Culture First were our very own JD Peterson and Jo Cranford.
Special full circle moment 4 me. 20+ years ago @pattymccord1 gave me one of my 1st jobs. Today I got to intro her at our conference #culturefirst pic.twitter.com/h2bOBxPfAC
— J.D. Peterson (@jd_peterson) June 12, 2018
Absolutely loved asking @susancain the hard questions #CultureFirst pic.twitter.com/51YHfH9p2d
— Jo Montanari (@jo_montanari) June 12, 2018
Patty McCord's opening keynote covered why building a culture of freedom and responsibility strips away the constraints that can thwart high-performers so your teams can be lean, nimble, motivated and happy. As she addressed the HR leaders in the room she said, "You want a seat at the table? The table is set. It’s our time."
AMAZING, POWERFUL women kicking off the #CultureFirst conference with @pattymccord1 and @susancain today. #inspired #rethinking #transforming pic.twitter.com/RP2RXldM0G
— Patty Nyquist (@p_nyquist) June 12, 2018
Susan Cain took the stage next and spoke about the Quiet Revolution. As she said, about one third to half of all employees are introverts. It's time to rethink innovation because solitude matters.
"There is no such thing as a one size fits all culture. Ask yourself, how do I create team cultures and physical environments where people can choose how much stimulation is coming at them so they can be successful?" @susancain #introvert #extrovert #ambivert #culturefirst
— Michelle Hart (@michellenhart) June 12, 2018
Your office is full of #extroverts and #introverts, are you creating a space where all can share their thoughts and opinions both safely and confidently? #cultureforall #raiseyourvoice #leanin #culturefirst #cultureofinclusion @susancain pic.twitter.com/VJLYymvemQ
— Blueboard (@blueboard) June 12, 2018
Next it was time for Culture Amp CEO Didier Elzinga to talk about what it means to be Culture First. From talking about how values are uncovered to reflecting on the time we take away from our loved ones to be at work, to paying down diversity debt as a company with four white male founders, Didier embodied having the courage to be vulnerable in his address.
Beer and ping-pong won’t do it! ? “#CultureFirst is about performance - not perks. You don’t need to make people happy at work. You won’t and you can’t.” @didierelzinga @CultureAmp pic.twitter.com/77wrBrOCEc
— Rachel Cougan (@racheltweets) June 12, 2018
Founder and Chief Product Officer at Culture Amp, Rod Hamilton shared what it's like to build the platform that is helping companies put Culture First. After reeling in the audience with an opening metaphor about the collaborative capabilities of the common pigeon, Rod showcased how the power of employee feedback can transform organizations.
Pigeons have “cumulative social communication.” They learn from others, innovate, & improve. Trying to replicate @rodjhamilton #culturefirst pic.twitter.com/1f98OvNJVi
— Stacia Sherman Garr (@StaciaGarr) June 12, 2018
While the speakers were the highlight of the day so far, every conference attendee needs time to rest, recharge and refuel. Thankfully, great food trucks from Off the Grid were on-site to feed our hungry People Geeks.
More empanadas please! One of the better conference lunch experiences. Tickets and food trucks. @CultureAmp #CultureFirst pic.twitter.com/og4PXc3RVJ
— Josh Newman (@limited_axess) June 12, 2018
After lunch, attendees got ready to participate in Aaron Dignan's Mars 2100 simulation. In this immersive simulation participants role play as founding citizens of a new society on Mars. As they navigate critical decisions for building a community that can thrive in the harsh conditions they experience the discomfort of uncertainty and get an opportunity to try on and practice new ways of working.
The first time I’ve ever played a #sciencefiction #boardgame at a #tech #startup conference. Awesome! #culturefirst pic.twitter.com/XCNTsGesCs
— Micha Hershman (@mdhershman) June 12, 2018
After five amazing keynote speakers, now it was time for attendees to make a choice.
Day one breakout sessions included:
Well done #CultureFirst for shaking up the format to talking about Diversity & Inclusion. Skip the panel and embrace the Fishbowl to create the space for difficult conversations. @CultureAmp pic.twitter.com/vnl6g2VB38
— Jennifer Kim (@jenistyping) June 12, 2018
Chief People Operations Officer at SendGrid, Pattie Money discussed how they'e maintained a constant focus on navigating the intersectionality of engagement, diversity and inclusion, leadership and culture.
Question: What are the key takeaways for leaders?@MoneyPattie: Do less, and focus on the things that add value. #CultureFirst pic.twitter.com/dtknVMCGTh
— Matt Philip (@mattphilip) June 13, 2018
Wrapping up day one was Adam Grant, Professor and Author of “Give and Take,” “Originals,” and “Option B.” His talk on how non-conformists move the world kept everyone on the edge of their seat with pen to pad taking notes.
Thank you @AdamMGrant for giving us permission to throw out 'culture fit'. That's drink buddies, maybe a sports team and doesn't allow diversity. Find people who "add something" to your culture instead. Yeah! #CultureFirst
— Kim James (@KimAndTheAnts) June 13, 2018
Former Tech Executive, Tatyana Mamut kicked off day two with a keynote addressing five types of culture risk. If you missed her Q&A session, Tatyana followed up with answers to top questions on LinkedIn.
“Great organizations start with clear and directive principles that help people make decisions.” -@tmamut #CultureFirst
— She+ Geeks Out (@shegeeksout) June 13, 2018
Co-author of "Primed to Perform," Lindsay McGregor educated the audience on the science of total motivation and how to craft high performing cultures.
Key tenets for building a high performance culture using and measuring Total Motivation (ToMo) @mcgregorle rocked it! Her book Primed to Perform is certainly a forthcoming read #CultureFirst #PAFOW #PrimedtoPerform pic.twitter.com/ZZmsbFqZLA
— Al Adamsen (@aladamsen) June 13, 2018
Even more great sessions were packed into day two of Culture First with attendees having a choice between the following before lunch:
Left re-energized after our 90min panel conversations at #cultureFirst with @larissabconte who brilliantly created this panel where we shared about #vulnerability in conversations in the #workplace. The only way to move towards #inclusion. ???#unconsciousbias #bias #gender pic.twitter.com/oji7Tcrh8S
— Max Masure (they/them) (@maxmasure) June 13, 2018
Re-energized by another great food truck lunch, sharing stories together, and anticipating more things to come, attendees chose between the following sessions:
“It’s no longer just software teams that need to be agile, it’s critical that L&D follows suit as well.” @theshelleylynn @CultureAmp #CultureFirst
— Udemy for Business (@UdemyforBiz) June 13, 2018
The last speakers to take the stage were HR leaders from Warby Parker, Casper, WeWork, and Patreon. With moderator Katy Steinmetz from Time Magazine, they discussed the business outcome of putting Culture First.
Closing out an incredible two days with @CultureAmp’s #CultureFirst conference, panel on the business outcome of prioritizing culture with @katysteinmetz @WarbyParker @Patreon @Casper & @WeWork pic.twitter.com/TFSWMlba8O
— Amie Rotherham (@amieroth) June 13, 2018
Thank you to all of our attendees, speakers, sponsors and all-around People Geeks. We couldn't have done this without you, and we're so glad you've joined us in putting Culture First.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world; Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” That’s a wrap! #culturefirst pic.twitter.com/NqD9NY2ruX
— Nick Matthews (@NickOMatthews) June 14, 2018