16 min
Written by
Founding Scientist, Culture Amp
We're sometimes asked why we don't have the "best friend at work" question in our employee engagement surveys.
Apart from being a copyrighted question, we have a few good reasons – it's confusing, too narrowly worded, and it's not related to engagement or retention. We'll explore those shortcomings and suggest a set of four alternative questions you can use to understand how your workplace is building relationships.
The question consists of the statement "I have a best friend at work" accompanied by an agreement scale. However, we've found a lot of confusion around the meaning of this question:
Many people tell us they have a "good" or "close" friend at work, but "best friend" is often described as confusing.
If we want a question to assess how well managers facilitate close friendships at work, it seems odd to frame it around having a "best friend" because this is a term people reserve for a very singular and special relationship. Even in the narrower context of someone having a "best" friend at work, it seems odd to confuse people who might value a few colleagues as close friends but not have a singular "best" friend at work.
It's not a great practice to use absolute type words in survey questions (like best, always, or never) unless you have a very good reason for doing so. Moreover, it can have substantial impacts on statistical properties and response biases.
More importantly, we don't see any evidence that this sort of question is related to engagement or retention measures. When a client wishes to ask this question, we have instead advised them to ask if people have a "close" friend at work. This seems to match the intent of the question better anyway.
However, when we look at the relationship between this question and motivation, intent to stay, or whether people would recommend their workplaces, we find no relationship. That's right – zip (or, as statisticians like to say: it's so close to zero that it's statistically indistinguishable from zero).
Rather than trying to ask about a "work best friend" or creating a workplace where people have a "best friend," focus instead on creating a workplace where people feel connected and have healthy relationships with one another. Connection and a sense of belonging certainly matter, but you don't want to take it too far and presume that employees need a best friend in the workplace.
If you really want to ask whether your workplace fosters close relationships, try asking these questions instead: