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Regional Director, People Science, Culture Amp
Demographics refers to the characteristics, traits, and qualities that make us who we are.
The demographics of your company’s employees can help you identify the types of people that comprise your workforce. Collecting this information can help you better understand employee survey results, as we know that different identities and traits can impact our workplace experiences.
In this article, we cover why collecting demographic information is important and how to do it in ways that will be helpful to your culture strategy.
If your goal is to enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, demographics are crucial to examining employees' experiences with different backgrounds and personal identities. While historically, we might have relied upon word-of-mouth or open forums to know where to action, survey demographics aggregate employees together so you can understand whether issues are isolated or systemic.
Demographics allow you to unpack your overall results and examine meaningful differences between groups of employees. We often survey with the hope of understanding where things are going well, as well as where to improve. Demographics help you hone in on those local differences – such as region, department, or team manager – helping to ensure consistency across the business.
Employees also benefit from providing demographics because it enables organizations to allocate resources appropriately. Actioning to improve workplace culture costs time, money, and personnel. Those resources can go to waste if they’re deployed to areas of the business that don’t need them. Demographics that identify groups that score favorably can help uncover best practices that can be implemented in other areas, on top of uncovering opportunity areas that require immediate attention.
There are two ways to collect demographic data and pair them with your survey data:
Each approach has strengths, but they’re not mutually exclusive. Often, whether demographic data is pulled from the system and/or from self-reported data is guided by several factors.
Companies vary widely in the number and type of demographics they choose to collect in surveys, but you may actually have this data already. Before getting started, consider the following questions:
If you don’t have access to demographics through another source, you can simply ask employees to provide that information in the survey itself. This approach can collect precisely the data you need, which might not have been captured at another point in time.
For example, you could ask employees if they’ve recently experienced a leadership change or attended training and look at differences in results – this information is not often collected in an HRIS. Asking questions yourself allows you to expand your response options, including a spectrum of gender identities beyond the often-used binary legal definitions.
Before including self-report demographics, consider the following questions:
We typically recommend including demographics that you a) believe impact the working experience of your employees and b) which you’re able to take action upon to some degree. In the United States, here are some common demographics we see clients include in their surveys, which you might have already collected as a part of employee onboarding:
If you’ve surveyed for demographic data before and wish to expand beyond the usual demographics as above, you could start by incorporating other legally protected group identities. For example, in the United States, it’s illegal to discriminate based on several demographic characteristics, including race, color, age, disability, religion, genetic information, sexual orientation, or national origin, with state-level protections covering additional criteria. You’d want to capture some or more of these demographics to ensure there are no vast differences in employee experience that could indicate more systemic adverse impact or discrimination. For example, big differences in the perceived fairness of performance evaluations between males and females could suggest the need to check for adverse impacts in promotion decisions.
Beyond those, consider demographics you could use to inform questions you have. For example, if you’ve expanded work flexibility policies to be market-competitive, consider asking employees whether they’re caregivers and see who has benefitted from these changes. If you’ve rolled out a manager training, look to see the differences between those who’ve completed it and those who haven’t.
The demographics you include can signal to employees what you’re interested to know about and upon which you’re willing to act. To build and maintain trust, only include characteristics you’re in a position to address. In all cases, include demographics you can commit to acting on if the data shows necessary action to improve a group’s experience.
By its nature, demographic information is personal, and employees may not feel comfortable sharing it. This is less of an issue for confidential surveys, where employee data can be attributed to participants but remains confidential. However, sometimes you might want to survey anonymously if, for example, the items are sensitive and you wish to maintain trust. In this case, the only way to collect demographics is to ask employees to self-report.
Employees who haven’t traditionally provided this information may want to understand how the data is collected, stored, used, and viewed before providing it. This is especially true for highly sensitive demographics and/or based on local culture and/or the law (e.g., LGBTQ identification in countries where queerness is stigmatized or illegal).
Therefore, it will be necessary to remind employees of this information's importance and the privacy protections in place to maintain discretion. In survey communications, be sure to address things like reporting group minimums, who will have access to the data, and why this information is important/how it will be used. This can be in communications ahead of the survey, or ahead of the items in the survey itself.
Example of communication for an anonymous survey:
On [insert date], you will receive an invite from [person sending invite link] to take our [name of survey]. Unlike some of the surveys you may have taken in the past, this survey asks important, though sensitive, demographics like gender identity, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation which help us understand how we’re supporting people from these groups. Demographic information will be used in aggregate and not linked to you.
This survey is 100% secure, anonymous, and optional, though we strongly encourage you to participate. With a high participation rate, we can confidently take actions that focus on [survey goals]. It only takes about [time in minutes] to complete.
Should you have any questions, please reach out and I would be happy to answer them. Again, this survey will reach your inbox on [insert date] – thank you!
Example of an anonymous survey section description:
The following section is intended to help us learn about the various identities and backgrounds that make up our workforce. The items may be sensitive to some, but your survey responses are anonymous and optional. Providing us with this information will help us act more effectively and inclusively.
Demographics are critical in understanding the employee experience of individuals with different backgrounds and personal identities. However, it’s imperative to do so respectfully and anonymously. When done thoughtfully using the steps above, demographic survey information empowers organizations to pinpoint areas for improvement and drive meaningful action.
See how Culture Amp can help you turn insights into action.