10 min
ArticleEmployee experience
5 min read ·August 22, 2018
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Writer, Culture Amp
In his keynote address at the Culture First conference, our CEO, Didier Elzinga shared what inspired him to co-found Culture Amp and what it means to build a Culture First company.
“Before I started Culture Amp, I was working for Hollywood at a visual effects company. The last 10 to 20 years had brought incredible advances to HR, and I was inspired by what I was reading about how to build a better workplace
Think about how much more we understand about how we think and operate in the workplace. The idea behind starting Culture Amp was – could we use software to help make these ideas more accessible?
Then, we could actually start to make the change that these ideas promised.
But, building workplace improvement software wasn’t our only mission. My fellow Culture Amp founders and I also wanted to build a legacy. We wanted to be a Culture First company – at scale.”
So, how do you start building a Culture First company? Here are highlights from Didier’s presentation in his own words.
Whenever you're talking about company culture, it has to start with the importance of values. These are the roots. This is the most important job of a founder – putting down roots and helping the company understand what it means to be. Values are not something that you go and design. Your values are already there. They need to be uncovered.
There are three things to clarify when you want to get values right: Meaning, relevance, and mutuality.
What does this value mean? Is it something that you can understand? If you can't understand it, that’s not very helpful. Secondly is it relevant? Can you use this value? Does it help the organization do what is trying to do? I think the most important one is mutuality. What does this value tell you to expect from the company? But more importantly, what does it tell the company to expect from you?
The second thing after you put those roots down through your values is to embrace diversity. I say this as somebody who started a company with four white 30-something male brunettes. Zero diversity across the board is a debt we're still paying down.
I think the best metaphor for leadership is gardening. And the most magnificent gardens are not one plant. All sorts of different plants come from all sorts of different parts of the world, and they coexist in a wonderful and beautiful way. That's what I want my company to look like, not row upon row of everybody looking the same.
If you're going to build a culture first company, managers are the frontline; they’re the people that have to get this right.
I have a few ideas for you that I would like you to consider:
You can't just leave it up to the founder or the CEO, or the manager. It's something that everybody needs to be involved in. And that means you have to take responsibility for your own craft. You have to own it.
Once you know what you're good at, realize that when you're under pressure, that strength can become a weakness. One of the most powerful things you can do is name it and let other people call you out.
Most important, be kind to yourself. Self-compassion is allowing yourself space and time to be kind to yourself. Keep trying and keep moving and realize it's okay to mess up.
Be willing to fail. Be willing to open yourself up. Be willing to fight for something that matters.