COVID-19 Wellbeing Survey Global January 2021

The Covid wellbeing survey was created to help organizations understand their employee's overall emotional, social, and physical wellbeing during COVID-19 and the factors driving it. In mid 2021 we combined our standard wellbeing survey and covid wellbeing survey into a single question set. But the insights below (recorded from July 2020 to the end of the year) are still useful.

  • ~4.5m

    Questions answered

  • /
  • ~2k


The data meet our criteria as being robust and reliable; unlikely to substantially change over time; and representative of the wider industry. Read more about the methodology.

Data provided by Culture Amp

Industry breakdown

  • Computer Software


  • Information Technology and Services


  • Internet


  • Financial Services


  • Nonprofit Organization Management


  • Marketing and Advertising


  • Hospital & Health Care


  • Real Estate


Region breakdown

  • North America


  • Oceania


  • Europe


  • Asia


  • MEA


  • South America


How is employee wellbeing tracking during this time?

72% of employees feel an overall sense of work wellbeing.

Overall Wellbeing

Overall employee wellbeing is defined using these 5 questions that measure productivity, positivity, stress, fatigue, and resilience.

I am feeling productive during this time


I generally feel positive towards work at [Company]


At present, I have enough energy to overcome challenges at work


Recently, my levels of stress feel manageable


During these challenging times, I feel able to bounce back as quickly as I normally would


Overall wellbeing is surprisingly high at 72%, despite stress being unmanageable for some and not being able to bounce back, employees are still feeling positive towards their work and staying productive.

While some organizations have focused completely on the financial side of things to stay afloat, others have truly focused on their employees and keeping them healthy during this time. We're proud to see that over 2000 Culture Amp customers have incorporated at least one wellbeing question into their survey, and we expect to see this trend continuing into 2021.

Which questions matter the most?

For employees to maintain their wellbeing during this trying time, companies can help by making sure employees have somewhere they can work productively, ensuring work demands are reasonable, and giving them the space/latitude to work flexibly and manage their personal demands. For their part, employees need to establish a routine that works for them and take ownership of changes they can make for their own wellbeing.


I feel equipped to manage both personal and work life demands right now

71% favorable

Work life blend

I find the pace of work here energizing

61% favorable

Work pressure

I can work productively in my current environment

87% favorable

Work Environment

I have been able to set-up a daily routine that I tend to follow

85% favorable

Managing Energy

I am able to make necessary changes in how I work to improve my own wellbeing

74% favorable


Least favorable areas

People answering COVID-19 Wellbeing Survey Global January 2021 were least favorable about the following areas:

Unsurprisingly, employees are finding it very difficult to switch off while working from home (or as some have said 'living at work'). Something that may be contributing is not feeling like they've made enough progress in the day, which could be due to increased work demands, a decrease in productivity due to stress-related inattention, or increased expectations to maintain the appearance of high performance while remote.


I am able to effectively switch off from work to make time for rest

54% favorable

Managing Energy

I am spending enough quality time interacting with others

60% favorable

Social Connections

Most days, I can accomplish all I need to during my normal working hours

60% favorable

Work pressure

Insights data provided by Culture Amp.

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