Since we launched this survey, we've had over 1300 customers be proactive in seeking feedback from their employees with regards to their organizational response. The insights we share below now reflect all data collected in 2020. It's important to note that there is self-selection bias in this benchmark in that organizations who have been able to pivot quickly to the circumstances are far more likely to have felt ready to get feedback about their COVID-19 response.
Questions answered
The data meet our criteria as being robust and reliable; unlikely to substantially change over time; and representative of the wider industry. Read more about the methodology.
Data provided by Culture Amp
Computer Software
Information Technology and Services
Financial Services
Nonprofit Organization Management
Marketing and Advertising
Hospital & Health Care
North America
South America
Bottom 10%
Bottom 25%
Company Confidence
Top 25%
Top 10%
Company confidence is defined using these three questions, getting at the heart of employee perceptions of organizational support and adaptability.
[Company] is making sufficient adjustments to deal with the COVID-19 Pandemic | 93% |
I have confidence in [Company]'s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic | 92% |
[Company] is supporting employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic | 91% |
We've found company confidence is exceptionally high at 92% suggesting for companies that are surveying, employees are highly satisfied with their organization's response
Overall, we are seeing favorability scores for this survey trend much higher than we would for a typical engagement survey. This is likely because the nature of the questions differ markedly from our other templates. Given the extreme demands of the pandemic, we created our question set to focus on making sure employees' most basic needs are being supported. As per Maslow's hierarchy of needs these include physiological needs, safety, and belonging. Given the context, assessing higher-order needs around self-esteem and self-actualization are unlikely to i) be sensitive or sensible to ask employees around, or ii) be within scope for most organizations to influence right now.
We look at which questions most drive our desired outcome of Company Confidence in the organization's COVID-19 response. The data tells us that Leadership is highly important, with 3 of the top 5 drivers pertaining to Leadership's role. In addition, the strength of timely communications and safety are key to employees feeling confident in the company's response. And all of these questions we saw steadily rise in favorability over 2020.
1 I believe the leaders at [Company] are making effective decisions regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic | 88% favorable Leadership |
2 The leaders at [Company] are providing a sense of stability during the COVID-19 Pandemic | 87% favorable Leadership |
3 We are receiving timely communications from [Company] in relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic | 91% favorable Communication |
4 The leaders at [Company] are appropriately visible/accessible during the COVID-19 Pandemic | 90% favorable Leadership |
5 I feel safe carrying out my role during the COVID-19 Pandemic | 93% favorable Wellbeing and Health |
People answering COVID-19 response Global January 2021 were most favorable about the following areas:
Organizations are demonstrating strength in how they equip their people with regards to keeping safe and healthy, and having access to systems and tech to work from home. Kudos to the HR and IT teams who have likely pivoted quickly to respond on this front.
1 I know what I need to do to keep safe and healthy during the COVID-19 Pandemic | 98% favorable Wellbeing and Health |
2 I am able to access the work systems/technology I need to do my role from home | 95% favorable Enablement |
3 I feel safe carrying out my role during the COVID-19 Pandemic | 93% favorable Wellbeing and Health |
People answering COVID-19 response Global January 2021 were least favorable about the following areas:
Our newest item is now the lowest scoring, which is unsurprising considering feeling equipped to look after family and dependents, which had been the lowest scoring, is a component of personal demands. Additionally, companies are struggling to keep employees up to date on changes to policies.
1 I feel equipped to manage both personal and work life demands right now | 71% favorable Enablement |
2 I feel equipped to look after family/dependants should I need to | 81% favorable Enablement |
3 I know where to find [Company]'s most up-to-date COVID-19 Pandemic policy | 83% favorable Policy |
Insights data provided by Culture Amp.
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