Education (United States) 2021

The education benchmark is primarily representative of employees working in education-related organizations. It includes a mix of E-Learning companies, primary and higher educational institutions and education management organizations as well as education platforms. These organizations employ educators as well as those supporting the delivery of educational services via office, support and technical staff.

  • ~0.8m

    Questions answered
    in last 12 months

  • /
  • ~65


These insights represent ~0.8m questions answered from ~65 organizations, ranging in size from 10 to 2,300 people, in the last 12 months.

The data meet our criteria as being robust and reliable; unlikely to substantially change over time; and representative of the wider industry. Read more about the methodology.

Data provided by ] Culture Amp

Industry breakdown

  • Education Management


  • E-learning


  • Higher Education


  • Primary/Secondary Education


Are employees committed to their organizations?

Engaged people are emotionally committed to their organization. These people stay at their organizations longer and are more productive and effective. Successful organizations have more engaged employees.

74% of Education (United States) employees are engaged

This is in the top 41% compared with the overall average.

The average eNPS score for organizations in this benchmark is 31 and is in the top 27% compared with the overall average.

Understanding the engagement questions

Engagement is defined through these five industry-standard questions from Culture Amp’s engagement survey template.

I am proud to work for [Company]


4% above global average

[Company] motivates me to go beyond what I would in a similar role elsewhere


2% above global average

I would recommend [Company] as a great place to work


1% above global average

I rarely think about looking for a job at another company


Same as global average

I see myself still working at [Company] in two years' time


3% below global average

The highest scoring question for Education United States had 92% of people agreeing that they know how their work contributes to the goals of [company] (+1% compared to overall) while they were generally most positive about Social Connection.

People in Education United States were generally least favourable about Decision Making, and were most negative towards 'When it is clear that someone is not delivering in their role we do something about it' with 17% of people disagreeing (+0% above average).

Which questions matter the most?

Different things are important to different cultures. If you want to make more of your people engaged then you need to know what is important your people. These questions are most important to keeping people engaged in Education (United States) organizations.


I believe there are good career opportunities for me at [Company]

60% favorable

The factor this relates most closely to is Learning & Development

Which questions matter the most?

Different things are important to different cultures. If you want to make more of your people engaged then you need to know what is important your people. These questions are most important to keeping people engaged in Education (United States) organizations.


I believe there are good career opportunities for me at [Company]

60% favorable

Learning & Development

The leaders at [Company] have communicated a vision that motivates me

77% favorable


I feel respected at [Company]

87% favorable


I have confidence in the leaders at [Company]

81% favorable


I feel like I belong at [Company]

83% favorable


How long do people stay?

In the short term, 19% of people in this benchmark are thinking of or actually seeking jobs elsewhere (+1% compared to overall) while on a longer time frame, 11% of people see themselves leaving within two years (+1% compared to overall).

The following questions had the biggest impact on whether individuals felt that they were planning to stay at their organization and not actively looking for alternative jobs.


I feel like I belong at [Company]

83% favorable


I believe there are good career opportunities for me at [Company]

60% favorable

Learning & Development

I feel respected at [Company]

87% favorable

Average Glassdoor ratings

We’ve connected the employee feedback data for each company included in the benchmark with ratings from, which is one of the world’s largest job and recruiting sites combined with a growing database of company reviews, CEO approval ratings and more.

Overall Rating

3.8 stars (+0)

Culture and Values

3.9 stars (+0)

Work Life Balance

3.9 stars (+0.1)

Compensation and Benefits

3.6 stars (+0)

Career Opportunities

3.5 stars (+0)

Recommend to Friend

70.0% (-1)

CEO Approval

84.0% (+0)

How does Education (United States) compare?

Organizations in Education United States tend to be very similar to the global all industries insights, with no significant departures from the average.

Insights data provided by Culture Amp.

What makes Insights special? Gain a deeper understanding of how they work.

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