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3 min read Last updated November 30, 2023

25 emerging culture creators to keep on your radar in 2024

Image graphic with portraits image of the 25 emerging culture creators

Culture Amp is proud to announce its inaugural list of top “emerging culture creators.” The 25 people celebrated in this list stand at the forefront of workplace culture and work daily to create a better world of work. It recognizes individuals who not only grasp the dynamic nature of work and the significance of a thriving workplace culture, but also have a positive influence on how organizations perceive and prioritize employee experience.

By championing diversity, equity, and inclusion, advocating for employee wellbeing, transforming organizations from within, preparing leaders for the future, and shaping a broader understanding of the workplace, every one of these individuals has been a catalyst for change in their own way.

Culture Amp CEO Didier Elzinga shares, “This initiative is a tribute to the people who are setting the cultural agenda in the workplace. The stories, insights, and experiences of this group of individuals serve as a source of inspiration to many and are truly creating a better world of work.”

Meet the Emerging Culture Creators for 2024

Below, we celebrate this year’s list of culture creators, each of whom is recognized in one of five categories.

Academics and researchers

Bridging the gap between theory and practice, and guiding organizations in making informed decisions that drive positive change.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Shaping efforts to create fair and inclusive workplaces by nurturing a sense of belonging and championing initiatives that promote diversity.

Employee wellbeing and mental health

Creating supportive work environments by focusing on wellbeing and mental health inclusivity.

Future of work thought leaders

Preparing leaders and HR leaders for the changing landscape of work and embracing technology and other tools to ensure their organizations are equipped for the future.

In-house people and culture creators

Transforming their workplaces by introducing new ways of working, encouraging cultures of experimentation, and creating collaborative, innovative, and adaptable environments.

Learn more about the Top 25 Emerging Culture Creators for 2024

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